Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hallo von Deutschland

I'm using a German keyboard, so disregard any typos (you know, y's and z's and what-not. bitter)

I'll be able to post pictures tomorrow, as I don't really have time today. <

It's gorgeous over here. When my brother and I drove in (he has 1 of only 11 Pontiac GTO's in all of Germany), everywhere you looked, you saw mountains, and large square patches of these little yellow flowers. There are also a lot of windmills here. I wasn't expecting that.

Every time you go up one hill (not mountains, I found out) and down another, there's a new town, each one unique and characterized by its own church. I haven't seen any Gothic or Baroque churches yet, but I will soon.

Tonight we're going to a gospel choir concert. That should be interesting!! They also told me I could play the pipe organ if I want to. ACH!

Anyway, I've got to go now. There will be plenty of pics later. Stay posted each day. I'll normally post at either 6 or 7 AM (Central Standard Time) or about 2 PM (CST). You can also stay in touch with me via email at



chantell said...

Yay, Jessy, you've finally updated. I'm so happy you're in Deutschland! It is a beautiful place (I went once back in the day.) Have super duper fun, and don't get too sidetracked by the German cuties you're bound to meet. And eat lots of schnitzel (whatever that is. I just know it's something German.) lol!

Lacey Wilson said...

JESSY!!! I hope you guys are enjoying every minute over there. I can't wait to look at ALL of your pictures. That is probably going to take a while but question is what time am I supposed to pick you and Frankfurt up from the airport. Let me know...see you in a couple of weeks :)